Friday 20 June 2014

How do you eat yours?

This is regularly my lunchtime view at the moment and I love it. Being by water is so relaxing and there is something even more relaxing about being near a little oasis when there is city life all around, it feels like you are cheating your hectic day out of destroying you! 

Only one week left of office life before I can shake it off and really get into wedding mode! Getting really excited so can't wait to not have the hindrance of work messing things up.  

I think we are pretty much good to go as far as prep goes,  just a few little bits to finalise which is good.  I really want to compete on Sunday as it will be my last chance until we come back from holiday and I want to compete at the annual breed show in August, so need to get some practice in. 

Let the countdown begin I say!  

Sunday 15 June 2014

Panic over

Quite why I never thought to buy a dress from a normal online fashion shop before is a mystery. My replacement arrived from ASOS yesterday  and I absolutely  love it. Best of all,  and the motivation behind me starting this blog, my body is pretty much exactly how I wanted it to be and the new dress accentuates all my good bits brilliantly.

I have actually ordered a petite version as the one I ordered is so long that I would have to wear heels on the day and that is something I would prefer to avoid where possible!

I also made great progress with the lounge, I had a brain wave for finishing off the curtain and it looks great. I feel like I can finally get excited again and leave the stress behind which is perfect and I am sooooo glad I tried everything on when I did. Not long now!

Friday 13 June 2014

3 weeks to find a dress

Well, it wouldn't be right if there wasn't a bit of drama with something that I am involved in would it!?  i went and had my second hair trial last night, my first went pretty well and she created a beautiful style, but it dawned on me as I was driving home, that it just wasn't me.  So, I had to go back last night and try a totally different style; which I now love.

I thought it would be a good idea to try everything on then so i could get an idea of how it would all look together... and boy, am I glad that I did!!  I have decided I really don't like my dress!! what a nightmare, I now have 3 weeks to find something else.  My problem is that I'm not really a dress wearer.  i love my trousers and shorts and if I do wear a dress; its normally a short one.

Last night basically involved me having a serious melt down and trying to get my head around the fact that its only a dress!! and that I will find something else.  I contacted the woman that adjusted it for me to see if she could make some changes for me; but she said it was beyond her and gave me another woman's number who may be able to help.  The problem with that is, how much will it cost and I may not like it! so I need to have a backup plan.

Happy with my body, not happy with my dress.. damn it!!

Saturday 7 June 2014

Stress belly!

This is something I have suffered with my entire life, doctors told my mum that I would probably suffer with migraines as i got older; thank heavens for small mercies, it has never stopped being belly ache.

I say belly, it is lower abdomen, so the intestines really and its a dull ache that spreads into a stabbing pain and it always comes after something that I have built up to be a stressful event.  I had a meeting that I was worried about on Friday and this is the target this time. When the stressful situations are ongoing, it tends to come out in my skin too and this is also happening to me at the minute! I have never had a spot on my back in my life and they just keep on coming and I always get them around my chin when I am stressed and they are coming at me in force.  The problem with that is, it is a vicious circle as I am now getting stressed off the back of having spots for my wedding!

As hard as I am trying, the weather is currently playing a big part in my unnecessary stress circle!  As the wedding is in the garden, a lot of the day for me revolves around how beautiful it is and i want people to be out there enjoying it and i want loads of fantastic picture's of it on the day too.  However, I don't think I have ever known the ground as wet as it is at the minute, in June!  there is water lying everywhere, the fields at the horses are like it is at the end of autumn normally and it just doesn't seem to be stopping.  Granted, this means that everything is beautifully lush, but no one will be able to get out there to appreciate it and if they do, it will be a mud bath.

So many silly things to gt my knickers in a twist about; i really do need to get grip of myself! I font feel outwardly stressed, but then maybe that's the issue.  I'm not making the most of my usual, 'exuberant' , get it all out there, good for your health approach to stress!