Thursday 31 July 2014

And it goes on

I have a feeling a lot of my time will be taking up around the BRCA1 thought process for a while.  Some might say that its crazy until you know for sure, this is me though and I like to be able to plan for all eventualities; even if it is a pointless exercise.

I still feel that a lot of my concerns lie around the implications of early onset and sudden menopause on my body.  The thought of being cut open and having major surgery is also a concern, but I do know that an oopherectomy can be done by keyhole surgery so the recover time is much less.

There are so many issues when it comes to what the menopause can bring, thinning of bones is one as on my fathers side there is a history of osteoporosis in his sister and mothers.  I do quite a lot of physical activity, which helps, but I also have a totally sedentary job for five days of the week, which doesn't help.

I know that there are treatments that you can take to alleviate all of the symptoms and side effects, but I hate the idea of that too; although I am not naive enough to think that they can all be avoided.  i have read about women suffering from horrific joint pain, something I suffer with a lot of the time anyway and if that were to get worse then it wouldn't be great.  But I suppose I could look at it in the fact that I am used to it already and have pretty good coping mechanisms in place.

I have so much reading to do and understanding to get in before we go and see the counsellor, I want to make sure I have got all the most useful and in depth questions at hand as humanly possible, I want her to fill in gaps rather than present me with new questions.

It will go on, I imagine it will be a quite well visited subject on here by the time I get to the appointment!

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