Saturday 26 April 2014

its all about the wedding

As planned, this week has all been about getting on top of wedding stuff and that is exactly what we have done. We have got absolutely loads done and definitely made the most of our time.  Its amazing  just how long the fiddly little bits take and there are still loads of things we can't do just yet.

We have done a trail run on the tables and we're really pleased with the outcome, we were a little weird at first that it was little bear but adding in the plants made a heap of difference.  I really struggle to see past things which is why I have to do a full on trial run with things.  Is really exciting seeing all of or ideas come together and as the garden grows it becomes more am more obvious that is all going to look amazing!

Tom testing out his artistic talent
Me testing out mine!

I have been feeling like I have lost focus on my fitness and diet recently, I don't really know why but I just don't feel on track.  I think there are a few contributory factors; Toms new job means that he doesn't get home until much later now so doesn't have the time he did to prepare tea and free up time to make lunches, I had that spell when hurt my back and could do nothing, I am still recovering from that and my job is such hard work at the minute that the last thing I want to do with any spare time is have a good think about what I am going to eat or what macros I was short of.  It really takes a huge amount of effort to plan healthy eating, the frustrating thing is its something I love spending the time on.  I assumed that my job stress wasn't having a negative impact on me, this week off has proven otherwise and just shows that I really need to get a grip of it all fast.

This week we have concentrated on diet again and I do feel a lot better, the problem is that I go back on Monday and have a feeling it will all just start again.  For some reason I hate doing meal plans ahead of time, I like to wait and see what inspires me on the day.  I have been having a lot more fresh fruit again with my breakfast which I think has made me feel a lot better..  I have had mortally worse mood swings this month and been sooo irritable, this is soothing I haven't suffered with in such a long time an is just another indication to me that I need to get back on it.  We are also going to try and do my mate Jo's  boot camp every Wednesday evening, see how my body copes. I really miss this sort of exercise and feel I am ready to try once more, I will make sure that I don't attempt any of the exercises that I know will aggravate my issues as its just not worth it.

Beautiful tuna steak with homemade rocket pesto 
Cheeky treat, there's fruit so must be OK

fantastic homemade chilli with gleuten free bread.

first attempt of savoury, chilli cornbread. Superb
Toms artistic flare takes flight once more

Tonights tea, turkey and chickpea meat balls with yogurt and mint sauce. Love this combo

Its been great to get the opportunity to think about food again and focus on things that i enjoy again.  It really needs to be operation sort my head out now.  The week out has definitely been a wake up call for me so i am going to do my best to stay awake!

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