Wednesday 5 March 2014

on the mend

I finally feel like I'm getting there, I can even manage to pick things up which is progress! I have pushed my stretches a little bit further and still feel pretty good. I am having to resist the temptation to push myself too far though and be back to square one.. I really can do without that!

I managed to ride last night for the first time since I injured myself, it was tricky; every single twinge was scrutinised to decide wheter or not it was injury pain or just stiffness from not doing anything for so long. I could definitely feel it in my SI joint and that was aching a bit when I finished, but felt fine this morning.

The only thing that still remains in pain, but unrelated to my back injury is the sternum pain I have been having.  It seems to be getting worse, this was just doing pushups that caused me pain this time. I'm not entirely sure what to do about it, I can't face wasting my time by going to the doctors so I guess I just need to avoid doing anything that hurts it! Frustrating when all the moves I need to do to tone up my triceps are what do this and these are one of my main areas I am trying to target! Oh well, I should just be thankful my back is better really!

My skin is a concern at the moment and this surprises me; I expected great things from cutting out sugar and I definitely didn't expect to be worrying about my skin.  I suffered as a child from puberty spots for a fair few years and then, around the age of 17 they all cleared up and I have had beautiful skin ever since,  apart from 2 occasions; one was when I was working as a contractor and I think the stress of never knowing if I was going to have a job was too much for me, and the second time was when I had my copper coil fitted; I had a strange breakout on my chin for months that just suddenly disappeared one day and I am totally convinced that it was my body reacting to the changed levels of copper; although the doctors were having none of it.. this being the same doctors that refused to believe that the progesterone only pill was irritating my bladder.. but it was...  and for the last few weeks I have had spots constantly, not just monthly ones, and now I have started with what looks like the chin thing again... I am praying it isn't, just in time for the run up to the wedding. Que extra virgin olive oil and sugar scrub! Amazing thing

There is no reason for my outbreak to be related to quitting sugar, I think it is more likely to be related to the higher levels of fat in my diet as this is the only significant change that I have made apart from sugar.  I am eating a lot more full fat dairy now too, and I don't think that's too much of a stretch to be a possible culprit. I am going to try and cut back again and see what what happens. It's either that or work related stress one again, after I harped on about it not stressing me out!

Anyway, I need to get my positivity back; I'm on the mend and I haven't gained weight in the week I have done nothing for so I must have my calorie intake right at least, even if the macros aren't quite there!

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