Monday 31 March 2014

Its coming to get me

I've had a couple of near mosses with lurgies recently and there have been some blunders going around. When others have fallen, my body has soldiered on and I have been really quite proud of myself.  I have attributed this success to my clean lifestyle and the cutting out of all refined crap.. And then, boom; I have a couple of weekends drinking and inevitably eating crap and it has come to bet me. I have a feeling that it is well and truly going to get me too.. Sore throat, which sends men under at the best of times and now the headache is kicking in.

I have got up to 'medicate'. The reason I say it like that is that I have been trying to cut the amount of painkillers and rubbish I take as normally when I am ill I nail the lemsip drinks and end up feeling really sick. I have taken some paracetamol, drunk some warm honey and got some warm salt water. I'm fighting a blocked nose too which always disrupts my sleep and drives me nuts, I'm not sure where my sudafed is but that may have to be dug out unfortunately.

We were supposed to be cycling home last night but Tom got a puncture, which we repaired and then he got another one which we couldn't repair, so train it was.  I won't be going to the gym tomorrow or prob for the rest of the week now; just to top off a crappy health weekend!

On the flip side, we had a great night out in manchester and it was worth falling off the wagon for, when we got back I had the most amazing pizza and cheesy chips binge ever! That's where abstinence makes everything worth while, when you indulge it tastes out of this world!

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