Monday 16 December 2013

A word of advice

Always read the label before you put anything in your eye!! I picked up what I thought were my eye drops this morning but unfortunately, they were Sammy's ear drops!! That at 5am is particularly unpleasant I can tell you, mad sprint to the kitchen for some milk to bathe it in and then of I trotted to they gym, yep you did read that right... The gym!

Possibly wasn't the best choice I could've made, I should have gone to A&E then as it would've been quieter. I just couldn't face sitting and waiting when I knew we were really busy in work and I was in on my own.  Luckily we had a contractor start and he is pretty savvy, so I have taken myself off to the Manchester eye hospital emergency room. After 1hr I have been triaged but I am now say waiting to be seen, and I have been sat waiting for an hour and a half.  As it is an emergency ward, more important cases get to be bumped above me unfortunately.  It gets to a point where you feel impelled to stay as you have waited it out this long and the other part of you just wants to get gone.. They put some antibiotic drops in when I was in triage and that felt fantastic, unfortunately they have worn off now and I'm fairly uncomfortable.  They tested the ph in both my eyes and they are the same, so that means that at least the damage isn't being worsened.  However, having a dry piece of litmus paper shoved in an already sore eye is not a pleasant experience. 

Its funny when you are in hospital or the doctors and they ask you on a scale of 1 to 10 how painful it is.  I never really know how to gauge it and also , how is that a proper scale to judge on?  Not only is it all relative to other pain you have ever experienced, it is also down to personal perception.  For all they know, I could be hard as nails and my eye is blistering up as I sit and wait... It isn't, but you get my point!! The triage nurse was saying that its a really common occurrence and people come in with things like super glue on their eyes!! OMG, I can't even begin to understand how that feels. I have managed to injure my eye a few times, the worst was when I stabbed myself with a juniper branch.  Mum had been trimming her plants and this branch had got stuck under my car, I yanked it out and it went straight into my eye.. Super painful I can tell you but no major harm done then either.  It really is amazing what we can put our bodies through and they still carry on going!

I am sooooo bored!! I wish I had brought my revision with me, I hate feeling like I'm waiting time! 

A chemical burn and 3 and a half hours later and I am free to fight the Manchester rush hour back to work!

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