Sunday 22 December 2013

Good for the ego

So it was my second works do on Friday night, this was for the company that I left 3 months ago. After slipping on my size 6 shorts ;-) off I trotted.. I haven't really changed weight wise since I left my previous company, but clearly, I have changed considerably in size as people were amazed at how lean I had gone and how toned I looked.

Even though I know how far I have come, everyone likes to be told how good they look and its great to see genuine surprise from people as it shows that you have surpassed all expectations, which is part of why I have enjoyed this challenge so much, I have surpassed even my wildest expectations. 

I had another yoga session on Friday morning with Danny, as always it was a great workout and I always feel so refreshed after a yoga session.  We did a few new moves and I was pretty happy with the way I carried them off and I felt quite strong.  I did have a little bit of drama at one point though, Tom came to the gym with me and he suffered a sugar crash, which does happen from time to time, but he went to get some of his energy tablets and then I couldn't find him.  I expected him to come back upstairs but he just disappeared, I even sent Danny off into the blokes changing rooms.. what actually happened was that he was sat in the car for ages and I just couldn't see him.  He couldn't really carry on with anything after that unfortunately so he sat and watched my session.  He said it was good to see how far I had come, whilst being really quite amusing to watch Danny and me doing yoga as he is enormous and makes me look minute!

I have also spoken to Danny about helping me with a nutrition plan for the new year and he is going to do my fat measurements; I'm really looking forward to taking the next step in my transformation journey!

We went to look around a gym just up the road from where we live as Tom is really missing going to the gym since we moved.  its more or less on his route home and has loads of classes on, has the equipment he needs and is pretty good value at £45/month.  Ok, its nowhere near as good as my £11, but not many place are that reasonable!! It does have a swimming pool and beauty centre too.  As a none member, I can also go and do some of the classes which would be good.  They do yogalates on a Wednesday evening and it will only cost me £5, so I may well go and do that from time to time with Tom; depending on how well I have got on with working the horses through the rest of the week and if I have anything on on the Friday.

Tom is just watching a Cirque de Soleil thing on tv whilst I am typing this and there is a guy doing some incredible stuff.  the flexibility and muscle control is absolutely incredible, he makes the most horrific moves look like a walk in the park; I would love to get nearer to that, I struggle to lift a straight leg to 45 degrees at the minute, but never say never; I wouldn't be where I am now if I did!

We have just been and treated ourselves to a pizza, I have been saying for ages that I want to have one as I haven't had one for such a long time and it will not be something I plan on eat for at least 7 months in the new year.  We went over to pizza express for a late lunch and my pizza was probably as big as my torso, but in true Sarah style, the plate was clean when I was done.  I am struggling now though!!  It was pork belly and apple sauce, so something a little bit different for xmas!

Not long now 'till xmas day, getting my training in whilst I can!!

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