Monday 10 February 2014

Lunch time

Is basically what keeps me going mentally, something yummy to look forward to!

Organic King prawns, figs, celery, cucumber, slow cooked chickpeas and tomato.  I went a little off base for me on this and didn't put loads of herbs and spices on, I just kept it simple with lemon juice and freshly ground black pepper. Perfect choice I might add, everything has a wonderful flavour of its own that would otherwise be pretty well masked with the addition of even just garlic.  I cooked the prawns in coconut oil and they are perfect.  The flesh of the organic prawns is different to farmed, it much softer, so the crunch from the celery goes perfectly.

I started my day with a combination of two of my favourite things!!

Beautifully presented as ever; avocado and toasted rye.  FIT

I managed to get my weight back from keeping a handle on my sugar intake over the weekend, seriously my nemesis!  But I guess it is most peoples. 

I braved some leg work in the gym this morning, if you follow my blog regularly you will know that this is the day that scares me. I don't avoid it because I hate it and would rather do upper body, I avoid it because it breaks me! I have been making an effort with my squatting technique, but really full on deep squats.  I managed to mash my sacroiliac joint up doing weighted deep squats in a PT session, so I have made a point of stripping it back and focusing on the technicalities, rather than just avoiding it. 

When the weight I am back squatting increases, my form goes to shit.  I lose stability in the SI joint and as I push out of the deep squat, I shift my weight to my toes and don't move up evenly, I come out right side dropped.  I'm not sure why, imbalance in the muscles around that area I guess.  So I have dropped back to the Olympic bar only and been making sure that the weight stays down my heels, my chest stays pushed forward and the back stays straight.  I'm getting there, I have to really force even movement though.  I put my SI belt on today to assist a little in the stabilisation and avoid injury and I put 2.5 on each side to finish off.  Whilst this is a pretty pathetic weight, my form immediately changed but I felt happy enough here to force form once again without hurting myself. I will start on this next time and increase the reps.

I never finished my post from last night, I was going to give you a run down of my weekend grub.  But first, I want to share something else regarding almond milk.  My mum bought some the other day and I said I don't buy it because of all the crap in it and she reckoned that the stabilisers etc were all natural so OK.. So, against my better judgement and going with my need to save time, I thought I would give it a whirl.  In hindsight, natural or not, the additives are still additives and they will be processed in some horrific way I'd imagine, but I bought some anyway. Well, what a shocker, it was absolutely minging.  Not a patch on my homemade stuff, not even close!  It was claggy and unnatural tasting, totally not worth it for me at all.  I will continue with the mild inconvenience of making my own any day! I just wish it lasted longer... Oh well

Sunday morning breakfast was porridge with a few additions and was amazing.  I made it using freshly made almond milk and a cup of freshly extracted coconut water.  Once cooked I added cinnamon, unsweetened cocoa, soaked flax and chia seeds and blueberries.. And I had a right beast of a bowl.  Looks pretty rank on the pic, but I assure you; it was far from that 

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