Monday 24 February 2014

Totally unproductive

That's the description for my weekend! I had to literally sit and do nothing.  Not my strong point and not something I enjoy. So damned annoying.  Plus side, my back felt really good towards the end of yesterday so thought, as long as I could take some pillows to prop myself up that I would be fine... Oh dear, how wrong was I?!?!

I couldn't get comfortable at all, the chairs all have wheels which didn't help and come 3pm I was almost back to where I started and gave up and came home. Luckily I managed to get hold of David my chiropractor and he squeezed me in...  His comment was that I was fairly well banana'd!! I had managed to do quite a good number on myself that's for sure.  I was out in the upper lumber region and this had caused my psoas to go into spasm, which is why I was struggling to stand up straight.  Apparently this is what your body does as a defence mechanism to protect your back. I have had this happen before and remember that being excruciating when I look back. I managed that doing horseshoe sit-ups.

So, I am working from home tomorrow so that I can be comfortable and hopefully repair.  I was supposed to be going to Sunderland to see a customer on Wednesday but that's not going to happen unless I improve dramatically.  Soooo damned frustrating, I hate not being able to do anything!!

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