Wednesday 12 February 2014


We get told all the time how detrimental it is on our health, weight, general wellbeing etc. This got me thinking and what is classed as negative stress; how is this quantified?

My job is pretty full on for the entire time I am at work, and a few people have commented that I seem stressed.  I am pretty dramatic and open about my drama, but I don't actually think of it as negative stress.  I have been in jobs with far less pressure and felt far more stressed as I didn't have the support from management, yet where I am now it is like one big family.  If you have a problem it gets discussed and dealt with and it doesn't drag on in other places... So I really don't feel it is having a negative impact on me in any way, shape or form.. I thrive off the pressure, but does that mean my body is thriving off it?? I don't know..

I check my pulse and that's fine, pretty low actually, I don't find I'm thinking about work 24/7, I enjoy coming in, I like my colleagues etc.. So in my book, I'm not stressed?? Who knows hey, I'm sure a shrink could psycho analyse my behaviour and tell me for sure but in my mind, its relative and you know yourself when it becomes detrimental to your health and I'm certainly not in that position.

Anyway, my favourite subject: FOOD

I needed a bit of sweet, sweet sustenance yesterday so I hit my latest addiction that I have been trying to curb...clearly failing but it was a treat. I would never go back to chocolate etc after eating these now. 

Tea last night was amazing. Tom cooked up some really tasty lean steak mince and then I created a mini frittata with courgette, leeks and peppers. Tasty and colourful, just the way I like it.

A recent revelation for us, have u seen the ingredients in a bag of dried fruit?! More fool me for thinking that it would just simply be dried fruit! They add sugar and oil to it! Why? How is it not sweet enough already?! Not all of them but blueberries, cherries and cranberries are the ones I have noticed so far

53% cherries!! Shocker. Always read the label, no matter how innocent you think it may be!! 

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