Wednesday 26 February 2014

Wow, this is tedious.

So, I have sat and done nothing for way too long now! Plus side, I have wedged up some sleep hours to make use of when I'm back to it.
I have worked from home the last couple of days as the chair at work really wasn't helping.  Its coincided pretty well though as I've been working on something off the support desk so it isn't causing too much of an issue.

I went back to David again this morning. My alignment is tonnes better but there is still the stiffness from the healing process of the damage. I need to start moving around gently again and see how I get on.  I can mainly feel it in my SI joint when I'm sat now and when I'm stood up, I feel like its a fight to stand up straight which is my psoas muscle doing its thing and that is incredibly tiring.  I think it would be a good idea to wfh again tomorrow and then try going in on Friday and taking one of the kitchen chairs with me. 

I read something yesterday about AGE's (advanced glycogen end products)from food possibly having an impact in the onset of dementia. These are caused when the food, mostly meat, is exposed to high heat and cooked for long periods of time.  There isn't a huge amount of information on it when I have looked as it is still research in progress.  This is what the Alzheimers society has to say on the research. The long and short of it is that in test subjects, the AGE dense food raises certain processes in the brain that are known to contribute to dementia. No testing has been done on subjects with dementia though so research is still ongoing.

Obviously, with the family history that Tom has, I am hot on anything that could possibly help stave it off and if its something as simple as diet then I'm all over it.  The society suggest that following a Mediterranean diet is the best way.  The problem is that Tom really isn't a fan of seafood or fruit, something that that really needs some work. We are going to cut down on red meat and make sure Tom is hitting his fruit and veg quota every day.  We don't eat processed foods or refined sugar anymore, which is advisory for cognitive health.

I made sweet potato cottage pie for tea, we had already taken the beef out so seemed pointless to not use it.  They say that the way it is cooked can increase the AGE content considerable and all meat should be poached or steamed and exposure to high heat, dry heat and high heat for a long time are huge contributory factors.  So no frying, no grilling, no BBQing!!! Horror, I love BBQ's. But I think we can have the odd treat! I made sure it was crammed full of veg too, so we ended up with loads, that's my lunch tomorrow sorted!

One of the recommendation is on portion sizes of meat, we generally have 125g each, it recommends no more than 65g a serving.  There is a Mediterranean food pyramid that you can use as a guide, I think we will easily be able to adjust and red meat is something we have discussed before.

Looks shocking, I am done trying to make things look pretty.. I just love the colours.  It was a little under seasoned which isn't something  we are normally guilty of!

Look at the difference 5 days makes, I love this time of year

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