Sunday 12 January 2014

Bit of a mixed bag weekend

There's been a lot of busying about of all different kinds this weekend, nothing unusual

It would appear that the work I have been doing to strengthen up my feet may have been working; I took Miss Moo out to Somerford park farm ride with my friend Amy and her horse Angie. Normally, when I go cross country I end up with horrifically tight calves due to standing in my stirrups and ever since that guy from the running shop pointed out how week my ankles and feet are, it has been obvious to me what causes it.  Instead of supporting my weight on my feet, I let my ankle flex as far as it will go and lazily hold it that way.  They are nowhere near as bad as usual today, I have ridden the other two nutcases this afternoon though and they feel a little tender, but a vast improvement.  I say nutcases; they are normally meek little ladies but today, oh no, today they were right little rotters! Trying to buck me off all over the place, conspiracy!! Anyway, it was a great day at Somerford and Moo jumped her little socks off.

These were the best I could get, they were being a right pair of fidget pants! 

We were incredibly lucky with the weather, it was lashing it down all morning, I have the soggy chicken pics to prove it! 

I was really proud of my will power too, normally after going round Somerford I enjoy nothing more than a big piece of cake from the shop or a toasted sandwich.. I resisted and even when Amy had a toasted bagel, big piece of apple cake and some sweets, I just had a coffee and some almonds I had taken with me. Its all about the planning!  I'm not gonna lie though, I was crazy jealous! 

I was ready for my tea when we got back though, that's for sure! I made one of my favourite dishes, curried lentils and crispy fish. I love the texture and the fact that its never the same dish twice, but is always tasty! 

Today was a shopping and prep day, I was immensely proud of our shopping trolley content but totally forgot to get a pic! I had to be crazy creative to fit everything into the fridge and cupboards though!! I found a recipe for cloud bread the other day and have been pretty excited about trying it out! Needless to say, my clouds must've rained out as they looked naff all like the pics! My eggs were super fresh and they just didn't go fluffy enough, made for an interesting lunch though and they tasted good.  We had them with turkey and salad.

More like pancakes than clouds!

Nice protein packed lunch none the less.  Rest of the day was spent riding and prepping for meals through the week, lots of veg cutting and Tupperware.. Everybody loves Tupperware!!

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