Monday 13 January 2014

Fat, glorious fat

I had quite a shock today when I happened to venture onto the My Fitness Pal page that shows you your nutritional breakdown for the entire week.  My fat intake is waaaay over!

So, on being horrified at this, I have done a goals review.  The breakdown for the week also showed I was really down on my carbs, the problem with this is that I'm not hugely fussed about my carbs, I'd much rather take in more of the healthy fats really.  I upped my protein to 25% as I am doing quite a lot as far as muscle building goes at the min and I had a quick rummage on google and found the suggested fat intake for women and it said between 25 and 35% with less than 7% of that being in saturated form.  So I have opted for 35% and this leaves me with 40% carbs.  Still fairly high carbs, I will just have to see how I get on.  You can break the types of fat down per g as a percentage of your total g's, so I have done that and entered it it as a guideline if nothing else. 

I will just have to put more forethought into my diet on a rolling basis, and not just day by day now.  I really want to get it right and reduce my body fat percentage if I can by myself.  I have upped my calories to 1400 as I'm not that fussed about weight loss now. MFP suggested 1750 as a maintenance allowance but that's insane! I worked it out based on an article I read and now can't find, but it uses fancy calcs for basal metabolic rate and adding and taking away calories based on your lifestyle; this came out around 1400 so I thought I could go from there and see. 

We have just arranged a paleo dinner party with my mate Jo who I have mentioned before, she is big into cross fit and paleo really suits her. Oh how times have changed! You couldn't get much further from how we used to be and we are so much more stable and happy and most of all healthy than we used to be! I am on main course responsibilities; decisions, decisions!!

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