Friday 3 January 2014

Say hello to Bertram

My body has definitely taken great umbrage to my unhealthy binge fest I embarked on over Christmas. I have a boil the size of Pluto on my forehead and I spent most of yesterday attempting to kill it, the outcome was not what I wanted at all and I have bruised my forehead from messing with it so much, I have had to put a plaster on it just so that I will leave it alone!!

I didn't think I could subject you all to seeing him naked! I know I look silly but desperate times etc

First day back in work yesterday, its quite nice to be able to ease yourself back in gently with a two day week actually and not all people are back in yet so the roads and more importantly, my desk, are fairly quiet.  It was also so enjoyable getting back into healthy eating! One of my friends mentioned the Paleo diet on her FB page, I have read about it blefore and just before xmas I read an article about a chrones sufferer who has changed her life around by going 'paleo'.  I am still of the same opinion as I was before though, which is that I hate the fact they give it a silly name and a rather flimsy reasoning, when the reason it works for people is that basically, they cut processed crap out of their diet but unfortunately, it also eliminates a lot of really good foods.  I like the idea of it but I absolutely hate the amount of saturated fat it requires you to consume.  There are some great paleo recipes out there that I will be using but for me, that diet route just isn't right. If it works for you then great and this post isn't about me ripping into the diet plan, I am just explaining why I won't be venturing down that route. 

Lunch today is a recipe pinched from a paleo site Cauliflower fried 'rice' and I had that with 150g chicken breast and all for under 300 calories 

I can't recommend this enough, its amazing and so low in calories. Perfect! 

I had a yoga PT this morning combined with a nutrition review.  Yoga was really good, my flexability is starting to return and in true Danny style, he had us doing some moves that made us look like toddlers trying to walk for the first time! Not the most graceful pair every to have ventured into the gym but its great fun and a really good way of identifying just where your body is at its most restricted, mine is definitely around my pelvis and shoulders.  Did some work to improve the 'shelf' of my glutes so that I can improve the shape of my bottom too, its so flat! That was pretty painful, mainly in my leg quad, which I can only attribute to my tight calf!! Some things never change! 

After yoga we went through the food diary that I sent over to Danny last year, he said its one of the cleanest records he has ever seen and if he had to be critical then it was mainly to not use low fat versions, take in more protein and eat more regularly.  I go too long between meals, especially lunch and tea.  I used to be good at leaving no more than 2hrs between meals but I got out of the habit and got lazy, shouldn't be too tricky really.  There are a few little tweaks to make but all in all I am doing pretty well it would seem! What a little show off!! 

I have shifted 5 of my 8lb Christmas gain, so I am also pretty happy with that!! 

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