Saturday 25 January 2014

Ever changing

I started blogging last night and realised I was rambling more than usual, so I stopped.  I was writing about what esle I have discovered about sugar and I was doing a seriously bad job of it.  I think the problem is, the science of food is such a complex beast that I am still attempting to get my head around it.. So rather than me blather on, I strongly urge you to read up on the ill affects that sugar has on our bodies.

I also realised something else, I have mentioned before how much my life has changed on this journey and I couldn't imagine being any other way ever again, what hadn't clicked was the fact that I have had so much success with it this time as apposed to any other time, because I have embraced my journey as one of self improvement, one of being as healthy and fit a version of me as I can be and learning a wealth along the way.

 The reason the penny dropped was a conversation I was having with my mate Lisa. She has decided she wants to make a serious effort to get healthy, she has done as we all do and gone through stages of dieting and not stuck to anything but she is determined this time. She has been reading a book by Gillian Riley called Eating Less - Say goodbye to overeating and it has totally changed her view to weight loss.  By all accounts, the title doesn't do it a great deal of justice but it explains how you dont want to be looking at a diet but more about changing your relationship with food, understanding how it affects you both mentally and physically AND being as healthy and fit as you can be.  Her opinion is that once you embrace this, you will never fall off the waggon as you aren't on one to fall off; you are embracing health as a way of life and the benefit of looking fantastic is just a lucky byproduct! I have to say that I totally agree with that and its what I have been discovering over the last year, I just haven't realised it until it was put so simply!

I will write some more about the sugar thing in another post, I need to understand it more and digest it (pun not intended!) further to get my head around it.

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