Monday 27 January 2014

Why wouldn't you?

If someone came to you and said that they knew of a way that you could have more energy, better skin, better attitude, better digestion and just better everything in general and best of all, you won't spend any more money than you do already. You'd jump at the chance of it wouldn't you?!

Indeed, until you found out that that meant eating healthily by cutting out as much processed rubbish as you can and all refined sugar.  It amazes me, just how much people fight against it.  Looking at how much Tom and I have changed in the time we have been concentrating on eating well, mentally and physically, you just can't argue it.  I for one, am totally different. I've said before, that the darkness I regularly experienced in my life has totally gone.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still a stroppy mare when I want to be and I get angry like the next person, but its different; there is a sense of serenity in myself now that I have never, ever had in my life.

Having a clean body gives you a clear mind, and the benefits of this are endless.

Also, if there is anything that I can do to prolong Tom's and my life together then I am on it.  I have mentioned before that Tom's father has Pick's disease, a form of frontal temporal dementia.  I read about things all the time that can help reduce the chances of contracting Alzheimer's, ways of eating and living a clean and healthy life; I am willing to put in the extra effort for that alone.. If I have the power to give us just one more day together, then I'm grasping that chance with all my might. Guarantee or not, you should always try and be the best and healthiest version of you that you can be.. You have control over this, this amazing miracle that is life is all yours and you should start treating it with the respect it deserves.. You will only ever feel the benefit!

I should pity the people that fight it, the people who can't draw motivation to change their lifestyle from being told they have a life threatening illness that they can do something about by simply saying no to a shitty piece of cake or crappy old doughnut. Its sad, very, very sad.. There are millions of people out there that would give up everything to have a body that they can fix, simply by getting a grip.

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