Monday 19 August 2013

4 lbs!! Cookie monster came back to haunt me!

Post weekend weigh in didn't impress me very much. I've put on 4lbs, I don't think my diet over the weekend was any different to the weekend before, so I am guessing it is the cumulative effect of me being a massive greedy pig in the week that hasn't helped.

The legs weren't too sore over the weekend and they didn't hurt at all whilst I was riding.  Had another successful outing, Millie came second in her leisure horse class, so I'm really pleased as she hasn't been out for ages.  Lara's class clashed with Moo's, so she just did a clear round as she has a big comp coming up in a couple of weeks anyway and Mills doesn't.

Woke up today with my left knee giving me shit, obviously the aftermath of last weeks over work.  I have put some Pernaton gel on it and I hit the foam roller again this morning.  I did an hours low intensity cardio too, or as I like to call it 'fatty fat fat burn' Knee is still bothering me tonight, damned thing. I need to just accept that it's screwed and work round it, very annoying though.  I really. It's hardcore workouts and it makes me really jealous of other people when they get to do it and I am now officially sulking!

Oops, published it before I had finished there! This was what greeted me when I got to the gym this morning, it's always really pretty s it shines through the motorway bridge and you get the vehicle silhouettes too.  If its misty it looks even more amazing.

For some reason my cursor now won't position itself to the left, crappy iPad app! I'm not sure if I mentioned I have a new job or not; but it is a little further into the traffic bell than where I am at the min so I will lose time out of my day whilst sitting in traffic.  So, one of my options if it is really horrific, is to park my car at the gym and then cycle the rest of the way in after my workout.  It's only a half hour bike ride and I would rather spend that half an hour cycling than sitting in traffic! it also means that my cardio is done in that time so I can do strength at the gym and save time in that respect! 

Nicely formatted paragraphs there for you, breaks it up a bit anyway! 

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