Monday 12 August 2013

Wow, that smarted a little

Went to do my dead lift after walking for half an hour on the treadmill and OUCH!!  my inner thighs that had tightened up from competing on Saturday went into cramp like I have never felt in my life! It felt as if someone had stabbed right into the muscles and grabbed the fibres and yanked them out! Managed two sets of 12 at 35 kilos and just couldn't carry on, I could feel it in my back because I was compensating for my inner thighs.  I had intended on concentrating on legs and core today, half of that wasn't going to happen!

Half an hour of upper body followed by core, did some absolute killers that I should imagine I will more than regret tomorrow!  Made a point of checking my protein targets and was quite down after lunch, I had smoked mackerel and that is restricted by how calorific it is, so only had 100 grams. So, tea was a piece of salmon, cooked in the oven with salt, pepper and vinegar and I also had 5 fish fingers and broccoli.  These are one of my favourite things to eat! I make sure I get the 100% Pollock ones to do my bit for the sustainable fish market, cod is drastically overfished these days and there is no difference in price and I don't know my fish well enough for there to be a difference in taste!

Tomorrows lunch: a small piece of salmon, cooked the same way as my tea, cherry tomatoes, sweet peppers, butter beans (cooked from dried again, easy now I have got used to it) beetroot (my new favourite addition) and last but not least.... I have treated myself to an entire egg!!!

I am concious that having a smoothie every day is laying on the the sugar quite heavily, I am going to try and switch it around a bit and  not have one every single day, maybe just 3 out of 5 in the week and I never have time at weekends anyway! 

Anyway, I'm supposed to be making an effort to get to bed earlier after my last killer sickness, this is not doing that! Good night all 

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