Thursday 22 August 2013

Rest days are overrated

I felt rubbish all day today, my body felt sluggish and I felt irritable and I honestly think it was from not going to the gym.  I am officially addicted to it it would seem, I think in future the rest day will just be a half hour gentle bike session or something like that. 

It is officially the weekend for us now, lots to do tomorrow before we go camping, including checking out some fancy road bikes for Tom as he feels that he is ready to move on from his now he is fitter and used to his ride. We are also going to try and fit in a climbing session in the morning before we pack and head off.  We haven't climbed for such a long time, we've either been skint or busy or I've been hurt.  I'm not sure how the shoulder will feel, but only one way to find out.  I'm excited to see if my upper body strengthening has made any difference at all. The best way to do that would be to boulder rathe than climb, but there is no way the shoulder will take that. 

I ordered some cheap little calipers on eBay the other day and they arrived today, pretty pleased with my measurements except for the back of my arm. This is where is let me down the very first time I had it done, unfortunately I can't remember where I put my measurements from last time to compare but tricep annihilation here I come, it really is quite gross.  The strangest thing is, I don't think I look fat there and it doesn't wobble, but clearly it is fat when you get hold of it.  I've always just thought I was quite chunky in the arm, oh how wrong I am.  On the plus side of that, it means I can work hard on them and get them a lot slimmer.  It's funny, when I started out on this quest, there were so many parts of my body that I just assumed were as they were and I just accepted that.  Like my legs and now my arms and its crazy how much all of me has changed and, underneath the fat I have been carrying for so long, I am actually really quite small!! If I just keep plugging away, I should end up as quite a neat little package! Something to aim for anyway! 

Abs were a thousand times less painful today, hamstrings aren't so happy.  It's the first time I can remember having DOMS in my hams and them be painful to touch. Normally, they are just sore when I move around.  It's all good though and this weekend should ease them off a bit when we go out on the bikes. I do need to add that I will be on the most rubbish of all the bikes, Reubs and Mandy have new ones and Toms is just better than mine! Covering off my excuses for a feeble performance already.  I am actually also really looking forward to a drink! I know, I really shouldn't and I wish I didn't enjoy it so much, but I do and I work so hard most of the time that its kind of like a little reward, it keeps me going and also, when I wake up with a hangover, it reminds me why I don't drink very often anymore.

Finally today the scales were back to where they were last week, it's taken me 4 days to shift 4lbs. Not too bad, granted, they shouldn't have been there to lose in the first place, but shit happens and now they are gone.

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