Wednesday 28 August 2013

Amazing PT session

Had another PT session with Martin this morning and it was really good. I did an hour of low intensity cardio before his sessions, split it between the treadmill and the bike.  Not used the standard exercise bikes there before, hugely wide seats!!

As always, Martin really concentrates on form and body weight. Its all about core strength and keeping yourself supple.  It means that your body will eventually be leaner, stronger and more capable of dealing with what is thrown at it.  We firstly warmed up the abs with a bicycle move and concentrating on pushing the arch of my back down.  I really struggle with this, I'm so rubbish at engaging my core whilst doing other things, and that really is key to strength.

We then moved onto the smith machine and used it for squats.  Not just standard squats, they are designed to really stretch the entire body.  No weight in it, just the bar and you have to stand with your arms straight above your head and a wide, almost sumo stance to give the pelvis room to allow the stretch.  You keep your entire body in line and then to start, you push your bottom right out to allow your weight to go down into your heels.  Start the squat and as you lower, push your head out forwards so it is no longer under the smith machine. Go as low as you can and then repeat. Doesn't sound tough but by god, it really is!!

We then moved onto a free Olympic bar, again no weights and Martin did some assisted stretching of my forearms and shoulders, way too tricky to explain it so you'll have to take my word on it being pretty horrific! Then I had to do a similar squat action but with the bar resting on my delts with my thumbs tucked under the bar under my chin, as I squatted I had to raise my shoulders. Wow, major stretch and instability!

Then we moved onto the same move as the smiths machine but with a barbell weight to engage the core, and did it engage it!!

During all moves, especially on the free weights, I have to ensure that everything is level.  Tougher than it sounds!

Next was some core stuff to finish, he started me off lying on my back on a stepper block, the bones of my pelvis on the end of the step and then, with legs slightly apart and straight, heels up, lift. Well, at least that is what I was meant to do. Not a chance! I genuinely couldn't even budge them!  Martin was amazed at how dreadful my core actually is, he didn't realise until then, just how weak I actually am.  So, switched that move to lying directly on the floor and remember to really engage the core and flatten the back out.

I have got to really concentrate on my posture no matter what I am doing.  He commented on my winged scapula and said that we need to focus on that too as there are exercises to correct it, or at least help.  He also corrected how I was stood just talking to him so I am just going to have to nag away at myself until it becomes natural.

I now have 3 weeks until my next session to really blitz this.  I can't afford it every week unfortunately! I really enjoy his sessions because everything he says makes perfect sense and is what I had been aware of but never been able to fix. 

Right, off to get my back done.  My bunions have been playing me up and I landed on my neck whilst bouldering, which I'm sure I have mentioned already! 

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