Wednesday 21 August 2013

So, where does it hurt?

It may well be easier to point out where it doesn't hurt tbh.  Had my PT session with Martin this morning, in true Martin style, he made me work muscles I didn't know existed.  We were concentrating on core and glutes with some flexor stretching chucked in for good measure.  It was all body weight stuff and I had to concentrate on keeping my core engaged throughout all movements.. So, so difficult to do. 

He explained that for me to be able to hit the heavier weights to build up shape (flat bottom attack) I have got to spend time strengthening and stretching as my body just will not take it.  I have biased strengths which don't help either.  Was a brilliant workout as his always are, but sooo tough, not tough in a "wow, I'm going to be sick" way, it's in a coordination and concentration and control kinda way.

I took the afternoon off to go around Somerford Park Farm Ride with Amy and her new horse she is trailing, that has basically finished me off and Lara ripped her shoe off, fingers crossed she hasn't hurt herself in time for her weekend competing at the end of the month! 

I've just needed to cough, it's like torture!!! 

My latest little find in Lidl is octopus.  In the entire glory, de-beaked thankfully, but still an entire beast. I love octopus and eat it when I am abroad all the time and here when I see it, but I have never prepared it myself.  The instructions just say to shallow fry it, so that's what I did with the first one.  I decided then though that the tentacles over cooked whilst waiting for the body to cook, so I chopped the second one up and did the bits separately and in garlic.. Much better.  I have then concocted a potentially yummy salad with Quinoa and fruit....  

Enforced rest day tomorrow, i really wanted to go on the treadmill for an hour but I could feel a twinge in my knee this morning and if I go with an hour in mind and it hurts, I can't do anything else as I am so sore.  I have a hectic weekend this weekend anyway as we are climbing Friday and then going to meet Reubs and Mandy in the peak district for a camping and biking weekend.. I'm still not very happy about the rest day though, typically me! 

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