Friday 16 August 2013

Ouch in every single way!

So the DOMS are pretty bad today, if I get it in my thighs it is always horrific!  At least my inner thigh pain from earlier in the week has gone now.  I went for upper body and low intensity cardio today. Didn't feel wildly strong but didn't feel pathetic either.  I can still feel the shoulder injury giving me gyp and it does hinder me as far as putting on heavier weights goes, but I am just grateful that it isn't stopping me completely and it is definitely improving.

I beat my personal best on the bench press, got to 32.5 kilos and 6 reps x 2, so pretty pleased with that.  I cant go any heavier on the cable cross overs due to the shoulder injury unfortunately, so I just have to keep on 5 with the power mode button on for the high ones, 5 without power mode at shoulder height cross overs and then the low ones I have to drop to 3, without power mode.

I finished my workout with some stretching as usual and then the foam roller on my ITB and glutes. Wow, wow and wooowwww!! So insanely painful it almost brought tears to my eyes!!

I have decided to alternate my days for the smoothies, having one every day does mean I am consuming a huge amount of fructose on a daily basis, and as much as I  pulled a face when Liam said about it as I think that there are so many benefits to eating fruit, I have decided to rein it in a bit!

This month is going to be quite exciting from a vanity point of view at least.  As I am starting a new job, I thought it would be the ideal opportunity to refresh my wardrobe.. Whilst I have had to buy loads of new trousers as I have dropped in size so much, I haven't really bought many more tops.  One of the best outcomes from this weight loss kick, is that I can put on clothes and look good without having to dress to hide the bits I like.  I see something that looks good and I can just wear it, it still looks good.  I don't suffer from the problem I have had for so long that it looks amazing on the model and crap on me! So now, I actually enjoy fashion.  I enjoy looking at fashions and planning outfits, knowing that they will work.  I have what I class as quite a quirky taste in clothes, I don't like to be main stream and I do find that now, this is where it takes some hard work! Far preferable to having to search around to find something that doesn't look rubbish!

The downside being, I'm broke!

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