Thursday 5 September 2013

Damn you 1 pound!!

I can not shift this last pound from the weight i gained the other weekend!! Incredibly frustrating.  We did our measurements last night though and I have shifted 1.25 inches from there in the last month, from around my hips.  Made up with that.  Other measurements not quite so significant, I will update the stats page at some point soon with pics too.

Thought I would share this with everyone as I am quite proud of this! Think you can work it out?

Always nice to be greeted at the gym by this sort of view.  Makes dark mornings far more bearable

I thought I would change my cardio up a bit this morning as I am wondering if my body has just got used to the walking a bit too much, and my joints etc cant cope with going any quicker and I really didn't fancy increasing the incline.  I did half an hour on the treadmill and then went on the exercise bike for 20mins.  I felt pretty good but wow, did I get hot! I was speaking to one of my friends the other day and he is aiming to get his 20k on a road bike down to 30 mins.  I managed 10k on the exercise bike in 18 mins and technically that should be easier! So, something else to aim for I guess.  The exercise bike seats at the gym are so uncomfortable though, they are way too big and wide for me, but I guess I will get used to them.. Its a shame that the spin bikes don't have measurements on them as I would far prefer those! 

I really, really need to get the Amiigo sports tracker device so that I can monitor exactly what I am putting my body through so I know I am in optimum fat burn.  They have said that it is due to be released in October now, but I have a feeling that they may be in short supply.  I have my name down to be notified when they are released, but that doesn't guarantee that I will manage to get hold of one.  They have changed their manufacturers and manufacturing process so that they can make a much slicker device.

Did a load of stretching after doing some wide, straight leg raises and I felt great afterwards.  Really looking forward to getting stuck in to some focused yoga moves and see how much my flexibility improves and in what sort of time frame.. MORE STATS!!! 

I wanted something different for my breakfast, that I could alternate with my smoothie so I just looked at what I had in the fridge.... This is what I came up with

I turned that, into this:

I used a teaspoon of grape seed oil and fried a clove of garlic with a quarter of red onion and then added 100 g of mushrooms, 100 g of Leeks and 100 g of peppers and cooked until slightly tender.  I also chucked in some chilli flakes.

Put a layer on the bottom of the oven proof dish, cover this layer with 100 g of low fat cottage cheese and then put the rest of the veg on top, with a pinch of sesame seeds.  Put this in the oven at 180 and cooked for 10 mins.

Once it had cooled, I drained off the excess water (which drives me mad when cooking with cottage cheese) Although some people cant get their head around a breakfast like this, it was really yummy and I will defo be making it again.  It works really well cold too as the veg still had a nice bit of crunch to it. All of this added up to 160 calories and really kept me satisfied, I could've lasted about an hour longer before my lunch but had it so that I could get writing this in my break at the same time.

I have got myself a new phone, this is to replace the work blackberry that I have in my current place but I wont be getting one where I am going.  I need something to use when I am at the horses and it smaller than my smart phone, will last for ages on the battery and I can reliably have a 2 g signal for calling people ICE. 

Presenting, my new little beauty and a blast from the past:

I managed to stumble upon a great website yesterday, I havent got the slightest idea how I found it but it has got some amazing recipes on it. 

I found out something that I have never read before, you are supposed to soak raw nuts! Who knew!! They contain phytic acid, which means that your body cant break the nuts down properly so you don't absorb all of the nutrients!  Something else for me to do and feel smug about! ;-) 

My sprouter has arrived!! I'm not even sure I mentioned that I was getting one.  Mum used to always sprout seeds when we were kids and I loved them, so I decided that I would start doing my own.  I have a load of adzuki beans at home, a little sample of alfalfa and some yellow mustard seeds. Where to start?! 

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