Wednesday 25 September 2013

It's been a rough couple of days

You'll be surprised to hear that I have managed to injure myself! I know, not something you normally hear from me, but I have manage it none the less.  I'm not sure what I have done, I went to the gym yesterday morning and had a pretty good session, I felt a little tight across my chest but nothing worth noting, so I carried on.  I didn't do loads of shoulder stretching as I didn't want to put strain through my wrists as I have been having some RSI like aching in them from not having keyboard rests at my new place.

I got to work and my neck started to stiffen up, just at the base where it joins my shoulders and gradually got worse through the day. It got to the point that I couldn't sit up properly as it hurt so much to put my head in line with my body.  Needless to say I don't ride the horses, I felt exhausted by the time I got there and was in quite a considerable amount of pain. I got in and got a hot water bottle on it and took a naproxen. Going to sleep was really quite uncomfortable, but in true Sarah style, I managed it.  

I am gutted though, as it was meant to be my PT session with Martin this morning, the session I missed last week because I had it in my diary incorrectly! Felt really pleased with my progress too and wanted to see what he thought.  

Woke up and was still in a pretty bad way, but coincidently, I had an appointment booked with my chiropractor, David, anyway.  I go to him every 4 weeks or I just fall apart, and he can never quite get his head around how much damage I manage to do myself.  This was the first time in ages that I was thinking I could go and say I was pretty good! Silly me! 

I had basically managed to do a right number on myself, I have problems with my mid thoracic region all the time anyway, but I had totally mashed it up! It cracked like a dead stick the minute he moved me! I had a lot of trigger points, especially down my rib cage and under my scapula (that bit is normal for me) but he worked his magic and I feel soooo much better, he really does have healing hands and I recommend him to anyone I get chance to! Once I get a new laptop I can start posting links etc properly, I am having to make do with using the iPad and android apps at the min and they are pretty useless! 

Obviously, I can't exercise for the rest of the week now, so I have to keep an extra special eye on my diet.  Doesn't do me harm to have a break from exercise periodically.  I have just hit a weight loss plateau like I do from time to time, it is normally when my body has got used to the exercise that I am doing. I may have to either switch to the rowing machine for a while (once my neck is totally better) or just push myself a little harder on the bike to hit faster times and for longer periods.  

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