Friday 20 September 2013

I WILL do the splits!!

I have definitely decided that my real long term goal is to be more supple.  I've really enjoyed seeing and feeling the benefits of stretching and the starting of yoga.  It can only help me and my weak body in the long run!

I will obviously still keep up with everything else that I am doing, but this is my long term aim.  I decided to make a note of how far off the splits I am, well, miles basically.  But, you've got to start somewhere and documenting it is the only way to see it all.  Tom and I still haven't taken pics of where we are at with our yoga and we really do need to! 

Had a PT session with Liam this morning, was a really good one.  Gave me loads of things for my triceps that doesn't involve dips, I get a really bad pain from dips.  I have read up about it (shocking I know!) And it does seem to be a common thing, its caused by inflammation in the sternum apparently and there is a name for it. Anyway, best way to deal with it is not to do anything that aggravates it.  He has also got me working singularly on my legs.  So leg press with one leg and leg raises on the machine with one leg too, nothing really heavy either, just build up gently.  He was also pretty impressed with my wide grip pull ups, I can manage 4 on 10k weighted, still not at body weight yet but much closer!!

I also assumed that the change of routine hadn't affected me at all, last night proved that theory wrong!  I had a massive melt down over something really pathetic and totally lost it! A normal thing to happen to me when my routines are disrupted, I will get there though I'm sure. Just son frustrating never having time in the evenings and now it takes me longer to get home, that is even more apparent. Nothing I can do about it right now, so just got to suck it up and get on with it!  It'll work out in the end, it always does!!

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