Wednesday 23 October 2013

I am soooore today

My calves have totally tied up, I didn't mention yesterday that I decided to try out a different running style.  You basically run on your toes and your heel never impacts the surface.  This is less impact and you keep the energy in your ham strings, so in theory, it is much more efficient.  It is also totally different to anything you normally do, so should be introduced slowly.... I now find out! I didn't do much, 5 mins on 10.5 and I felt great, I don't feel so great now!!

I managed an hour walking on the treadmill this morning, but I did have a stitch for around half of it! Not sure why, pretty standard for me though really.  I used the foam roller on my calves after, not overly pleasant and now, my calves are really quite uncomfortable.  It didn't help that I went and did some canter work with Breeze when I got to the horses, I stand in my stirrups for this so my calves always tighten at the best of times, stupid really!!

Tom has just made a blinder of a tea. Grilled Turkey breast steaks marinaded in pesto and parsnip puree with thyme and almond milk. So tasty and the flavours complemented each other so incredibly well, all for around 326 calories.

I am also particularly excited about my lunch tomorrow, salmon with garlic wild mushrooms and quinoa.  This comes in at about 340 calories as my salmon fillet isn't particularly big. 

Here is some random proof that even sitting in traffic in Manchester can be pretty! There is something amazing everywhere you go, you just have to open your eyes and appreciate it

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