Monday 14 October 2013

That's my back gone again!!

Finished moving house this weekend and I managed to tweak my back again.  Nothing sinister though, I still managed my PT session this morning!

Dad decided that we should be testing wine out for the wedding, so I had a couple of glasses over the weekend.  I don't know if it is just that or a combination of moving, being tired, change of routine and no cardio; but I'm mentally all over the place.  I love how focused and clear my head has been since I've started fitness and I have been tired since then, so I am pretty much convinced its the alcohol!  I really don't like it at all.

I have also eaten way too much crap over the weekend.  Its just been a case of grabbing whatever we could, whenever.  We had a Thai takeaway on Sat night and last night, Dad had made a chilli for a million people, so we had some.  My father isn't best known for moderation or healthy cooking (seriously tasty, unsurprisingly) and he had made rice AND jacket potatoes to go with it.  I passed on the rice and had part of my potato, the rest I am currently working through for lunch.

Im loving asparagus at the minute, its perfect when you get the baby stems and low in calories, which of course is a bonus!

PT today was hardcore!! I didnt dare tell Martin I was injured as I am always flipping injured!! Its also not too horrific.  But of course, the session was nails!!  He had me doing back squats with the olympic bar and 20 k, so 40k in total. I had to do two deep squats, right down to my heels and then immediately to a pull up with a 4 second drop down twice.  From that, onto the treadmill to get my heart rate under 120 and then back onto squats. Times 10!

Then, onto upper body.  2 x lateral pull downs with the upward stroke takjng 4 seconds. I had this on 40k. Then straight onto seated row, 30k and 4 second release stroke x 2.  Then onto pull ups and 4 second drop x 2 then a move for my triceps that I dont know the name of but you hold a barbell and drop your arms back behind your head. Times 10! 

Thats was me done then, my arms were totally screwed!!

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