Thursday 24 October 2013

What to do on a sore day?

I chose to do a half hour yoga workout followed by 100 abs workout with press ups between each move.  I shall include the 100 abs workout as a picture at the end, I can't face it messing with my format straight away! Note to self, contact the app developers about this!!

The yoga routine was a new one that I haven't done before, I downloaded it last night.  It was really tough. It is listed as yoga for toning on my Daily Yoga app, its a great little app, you can pay for the pro version but the free one has enough routines for me at the minute. There was a lot of holding moves in there, these are the ones that exhaust me! I have actually just remembered that I posted the picture of the 100 abs workout before, but I will post it again to save people having to trawl back through previous messages.

I can suddenly feel certain areas loosening up,  it strange that it just creeps up on you. I'm sure if I actually measured it properly, there would be no actual sudden change.  There is a move called Half King of the Fishes, it is great for stretching the lower back and shoulders.  I saw a variation online which I now can't find an image of, so maybe I made it up! And it is the variation I was struggling with, on one side especially.  However, I haven't done it for a couple of weeks as I have been doing other ones, and today I could just do it! So obviously, something else I have been doing has loosened up the offending area that was stopping me before! Bonus.

Tom is coming with me to the gym in the morning as he is having the car, we are going to Lincolnshire straight from work so it is easier to do it this way and him pick me up when he had finished work. He has more flexible hours than I do. Tomorrow's workout is up to him, we shall see what he has in store. As we have moved, he doesn't get chance to go to the gym now so is really missing it. His aim is to get some weights for home and workout there, they aren't the cheapest though so he is just holding off at the minute.

I'm still at 140! I was going to go and do my body fat at lunch and realised I have totally forgotten. I wanted to do it before the weekend as we will be drinking and that generally means everything goes horribly wrong!!

I can't publish the post with the pic, must be too big.  Google 100 abs workout and it appears.

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