Tuesday 26 November 2013

Overnight everything!

I see the Americans blogging about overnight oats all the time, so decided to see what all the hype was about yesterday and I loved it.  I had oats, cinnamon, cocoa and vanilla soaked in almond milk.  I then stumbled across the idea of overnight quinoa, perfect! 

Firstly I cooked some quinoa in almond milk and then I soaked the cooked quinoa, a few rolled oats, a spoon of organic cocoa, cinnamon, maple syrup and a few dried cranberries in almond milk overnight. Everything had absorbed this morning, so I added some milk and then microwaved it. It was really, really tasty.  It is fairly calorific but is a great post workout breakfast, I just need to reduce the pre workout calories.

I apologise for the rubbish picture once again, if I had more time I would make it pretty, but I'm sure you can all appreciate that spare time is not something in abundance to me!

Tasty but not pretty: overnight quinoa.

Legs were the order of the day today. I felt pretty good, although I am always quite fearful on leg days as I always feel I am teetering on the edge of an injury.  I just make sure I am careful, which means progress is slow, but it is progress none the less; which is preferable to injury!

I started to feel really quite poorly coming up to lunch, I simply don't have the time to be ill right now so I took evasive action in the form of vitamin C loading and carbohydrates.  I think the latter is a mental thing, but I always crave them when I'm feeling poorly. I feel like its a treat, which is a pickmeup in itself! So I bought an olive panini and had it with my prawns that I had cooked last night. it was some good tasting stuff! Bread is one of my weaknesses, I love the speciality ones and absolutely love making awesome sandwiches with chorizo and mushroom antipasti, Emmental cheese, pâté, salami etc, etc... Not all in together though! I used to easily whip up an 800ish calorie lunch every weekend by making these little masterpieces and I really do miss them! Everything in moderation though and I find that giving these things up, makes them a 1000 times tastier when you do have them! 

Amazing discovery alert 

No, Not the bold text, although I have to admit I have only just paid attention to that! No, a simple, yet beautiful thing:  heat a Nakd bar up in the microwave, sooo tasty.  Someone mentioned it some time ago and I had totally forgotten until yesterday; so not entirely my discovery but something everyone should try! 

Speaking of which, we tried that Stevia that I got from tesco and I think it is absolutely rank! There is no sweetness as far as I am concerned, just a weird, bitter taste.  Tom thought it was really sweet, but this is just another example of us both interpreting sweet and bitter differently.  I do think it is my brain that has it a little wrong! I got a different brand today (cant remember the name) and to me, that's much better. 

I skipped tea tonight, I know, tuts all round... However, I decided that whilst I was purchasing my feel better lunch, that I would buy a tub of apricots and some Rachel's dairy love vanilla yoghurt. I've annihilated the apricots and half of the yoghurt. I think there were about 350grams of apricots in the container; there is exactly 0grams in there now! So, not only am I full, my tummy is going mental! So on that note, I was going to write more but I just nodded off and the iPad smashed into my face.. So I think that may be a sign!! 

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