Saturday 2 November 2013

Back onboard

I thought I would see how the pelvis felt whilst riding today. It felt great actually which is good news! It feels a little tender now but hopefully that won't last.  I am still going to book an appointment with David though, as just because it isn't hurting, it doesn't mean it is right.

I got distracted by shopping for wedding stuff for a few hours, have got lots of goodies for table and garden decorations.  My back has been feeling fine but I just clipped Mills and it is hurting a little bit now!

I have been making a concerted effort to not cross my legs this week, it's a really destructive habit and one that I do constantly when I am sat down.  It is a tough one to crack but I am determined to crack it!!

My weight is finally back down to around the 140 mark, it always takes around a full week to shift! We were pretty good last night, I made roasted quorn pieces in pesto with pureed leek and parsnip.  I thought I had overdone the thyme when I first tarred it but it worked brilliantly with the quorn.  We are on an cupboard emptying mission all of next week, we have manage to build up so much food in our allocated drawer that we can't find anything!!  I have some chickpeas soaking at the minute so that I can make a curry out of them and I am also soaking some yellow split peas to make some slow cooked Dahl..  Is going to be yummy and they are such filling meals too. I think we should do a mixed bean casserole and that can be slow cooked from a timer, maybe some cauliflower and bean soup again.  We have buckwheat, quinoa, millions of beans, lentils, squash, risotto rice... Basically plenty of cold weather food!!

Tonight is not going to be a great night, mum and dad are having friends round for a chilli night and we are joining in.  I won't have a jacket potato or rice, not hugely fussed about them so it isn't too difficult to not have those, the difficulty comes with the nachos, bread sticks, crisps, dips, peanuts.. And the list goes on.  I did however read something that sat well with me in regards to situations like this; don't think of it as saying no to the unhealthy food, think of it as saying yes to your fitness, health and goals. 

This was the beautiful sunrise we were priveledged enough to witness this morning.  I wonder how many people were snoozing away oblivious 

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