Thursday 21 November 2013

Yoga is on!

Great session this morning with Danny. It was fantastic to see how much he has been inspired to look at a totally different way of training and has taken to it so much. He said it has had such an amazing affect on him mentally and physically.  Again, I come across someone starting a new journey in their life and I find myself getting excited for them, to have a realisation and find something that enriches you in every way is bigger and better than anything money can buy. And as ever, I feel privileged to be able to be even a tiny part of it, in this case a yoga PT guinea pig part!

Tom has pulled another blinding tea out of the bag, homemade fish fingers using Basa.  I think I have mentioned this fish before, its a type of catfish and of course, it doesn't effect the hard hit common fish stocks.  Its a very gentle tasting meat and is softer than the white fish most are used to, probably a great starter fish for the non fish lovers. These fish fingers were AMAAAAZING!!

I nipped to tesco at lunch time apartndy were collecting for the food banks.  They supply you with a list foods that they need and you buy whatever you want and as much as you want.  Such a great way to give and sooo easy, unfortunately, in the time I was walking in and out, not one person took them up on it.  I bought 4 bags of rice for £1.60; hardly a bank breaker!! I find it gives me a boost at the same time as helping others, more people should really give it a try! 

After making my insanely calorific brownie, I saught out an alternative for the sugar part and this is currently all the rage as well as being pedalled as the least offensive of all sweeteners.  Unfortunately, I didnt read the label properly and this has maltodextrose in it too. I need to understand what that is before I make a judgement on it. I tasted it and its quite strange, will have to see how it goes. There was one that was defo just Stevia but considerably more expensive. 

Lunch for tomorrow is prawns and roasted veg with crushed puffed quinoa sprinkled on it.  Should be amazing and comes in at about 300 calories! I am a little stuck for breakfast tomorrow, I need to keep my calories down as we are having chickpea Dahl for tea and that's pretty calorie dense. I dont want veg as I am having veg for lunch so I'm not sure what I want. So far I have 20grams of bran flakes and that's it! I will just have to grab some yoghurt to go with it! 

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