Thursday 7 November 2013

Whats going on?!

I've clearly been neglecting my upper body workouts recently, today I decided that was what I was going to concentrate on and I was pretty feeble!! My arms were shaking like mad by the end of it and I can feel them starting to stiffen up now, tomorrow should be interesting.  Feeble or not, I still felt pretty good. I also had another really good day at work, I am learning so much and I love it!! The move was definitely worth all the fear of the unknown aspect, and to actually be somewhere where they support you is great; so refreshing.

I think tomorrow will be an all over yoga routine after about 30 mins on the treadmill to warm me up, it shouldn't be long before I get my hormonal all over body ache and joint pain now so I need to make the most of it! The scales were teasing me again this morning, hovering between 139.8 and 140 but stopping on 140!

We are doing the bearfaced thing at work tomorrow for children in need. Basically, you don't wear any makeup and just stick a little paw tattoo on your face. I think it's a great ideas but have only managed to persuade 4 of the girls to do it, the others would rather be seen dead than go out without makeup on! Faire enough, makes me feel blessed that I can happily go out all over the place without makeup, my skin would feel horrible otherwise! Anyway, in preparation I have exfoliated with sugar and extra virgin olive oil. If you haven't tried it, you really need to. I looked into it when I was going through a stage of having terrible skin, this was a few months after having the copper foil fitted and I think my body was just rebelling! It doesn't make your skin in the least bit greasy as you would expect, it just softens and regulates the natural oil levels and, at the same time, extra virgin has brilliant anti inflammatory priorities.  All the chemicals in shop bought products can dry your skin out too much and this can result in an over production of natural grease and breakouts.  Tom also uses it on his patches of psoriasis when he is having a flare up and it is brilliant. He gets them on his cheeks, eyelids and eyebrows and the next day they will almost have disappeared. I say it's psoriasis, we just assume it is but he doesn't get it anywhere else.

Now, can you tell what it is?

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