Thursday 25 July 2013

Still feeling it!

I can definitely still feel the affects of my heavy weekend.  My body just feels so tired and weak! It doesn't help that my mind is constantly buzzing around with ideas for the wedding and I am struggling to get to sleep at night.

It was about 12.30am on Tuesday night before I got to sleep and then slightly better at 10.30pm last night.  I know it still probably sounds reasonable to most people but I just cant survive on that amount of sleep, I feel my best when I am in bed and sleeping by 9.30pm! Getting up at 5 really takes it toll otherwise, not generally in the morning but I get an even bigger lull than normal around 3.30pm

Hit the treadmill yesterday, was desperate for another session like I did on Thursday but I just couldn't get into it the same.  My right foot kept going numb, I think it is because I can't get the factory insole out of my new trainers, so have to put my insoles on top and it means that the top of the shoe just sits a little close.. not really sure what to do about that one! #firstworldfitnessproblems

But they sure are good looking trainers!

Only managed 40 mins on the treadmill and then did a load of stretching.  Shoulder felt good though, so that's a bonus.  It has been aching quite badly at night after I have ridden and aches quite a lot whilst riding if the horse is going heavy.  Its further down the muscle though, rather than up in the join itself.

Rode for a couple of hours last night, went out with my friend and I took my semi-retired mare.  I have decided that I want to bring her out of retirement so that she can start jumping again.  She retired due to something in her hocks, we never investigated it and just accepted it as she isn't insured and is 16 anyway.  I think I am going to try medicating the hocks so that she can start having fun again, she was loving her little canter across the field! I know how she feels! Looking forward to that, one more horse to get fit and keep me busy anyway!

My Pernaton gel and supplements arrived, started on them yesterday.  The gel smells amazing and I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but my shoulder does feel considerably better, I abused it quite heavily this morning and it felt great.

My friend Joanne who is a trained PT and general bad ass when it comes to exercise, has set some routines up that she is getting people to try.  Mine this morning was as follows

5 mins warm up full body

2 mins- press up into burpee into 5 jump lunges Rest

3 minutes pressup into squat thrust into burpee as many reps as possible Rest

3 minutes shuttle runs one end 20 skips return 10 crunches, then one end 20 m'climbers other end 10 press ups keep rotating exercises Rest

3minutes each exercise 20 seconds full on 10!seconds rest then move to next exercise Press up Squat Lunge M'climbers Squat thrust Burpee Spider plank

10 mins to finish off tonne ups.......

Run 10 press ups
Run 10 press ups +squat
Run 10 press's ups, squats +lunges
Etc etc all way to spider plank ( use exercise list from list above) 

Oh, +Tom Burgin also treated me to some new workout pants, which are schamazing!

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