Friday 26 July 2013

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

I was talking to my friend +Nicola Renshaw yesterday lunch, and it was great to hear that my determination in my quest has spurred her on to get back into exercise and health once more.  I felt really proud, and that doesn't come along very often for me! So thanks for that Nic x

We got to talking about pushing yourself through the initial barriers, I always think that no matter what I am changing in my life, it takes me about 3 weeks to get over the mental drudge of it all.  So, when I do my non drinking session in the new year, it takes me 3 weeks to not want to hurt people every time I see a beer pump, glistening, with condensation seductively chasing rivers down that beautiful, silvery temptation and calling me to quench my thirst! When I first started going to the gym in the morning, it took me about 3 weeks to adjust and sort out my routine.

I still have mornings where my first thought is to not go, they don't happen very often, but they do still happen.  How do I deal with it?  I think about the times that I'm carrying an injury and how much it gets me down that I can't do something, so I know, when I can do something, I just need to get it done!

I do get asked all the time how I cope with getting up at 5am every weekday, this is a really, really simple trick... I don't think about it, I don't even let myself acknowledge it.  I quite simply just get up! So basically, its classic burying your head in the sand technique!

Its so easy to quit at things, I have spent my entire life quitting something when the going gets tough, as I have always thought its better than being a failure. What a total idiot! I have spent the last 10 years or so, trying to change this attitude and it is only since I have found the love and support of +Tom Burgin that I have really found the strength to go through with it.  I had come a very long way before I met him and he has given me the confidence in myself as a person, rather than what I can offer everyone else, that has enabled me to really progress.  He has taught me that if I want to do something then I should just go and do it, why even think about failing, that's just a stupid thing to think about, just do it.. If people want to watch over you negatively, let them watch, that is their problem and you shouldn't even entertain that sort of energy.  Its truly, the most empowering realisation I have ever had.  It is still a work in progress and I really have to condition myself constantly, so as not to slip back into my old mindset.. I do have many, many years of negative thought to undo!

Anyway, I digress... so basically, what I am trying to say is that my motivation is to just do it, don't think about it, just have your goals and go out and get them. Anything is possible if you want it enough, I can feel my newly conditioned abdominals, now I want to see them... so that is what I am going to do!

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