Tuesday 30 July 2013

That was tough

What an afternoon, I hit an exhaustion wall and just couldn't get past it! I had that aching head feeling where you know the only cure is lovely, lovely sleep! Unfortunately, I had to keep myself going so I could go and ride!

I had half a Nature Own bar and that revived me a little. I was looking forward to a nice relaxing ride on Breeze and Lara, this did not happen. There is a girl on the yard who I can only describe as a buffoon and she is so loud and disrespectful around the horses, it drives me mad.. Most of my time riding was spent trying not to let her distinctive personality ruffle my feathers. I managed to keep a kind of detached serenity, but this in itself is an exhausting task, as I am still working on this side of my personality.  I aim to eventually be in a place where this sort of behaviour just washes over me, but as of yet, I am still working on it.  I am definitely improving though!

I have just had a geeky moment, I have done a bit of fidgeting with my new phone so that I can install an interface that allows me to use twitter properly! Tom promised me £20 if I could do it, but it appears that this was an empty gesture as he has claimed that he pointed me in the direction of the instructions.. Although, he didn't give me opportunity to look for it myself!

Early night is most definitely in order. I am still really, really low on my protein intake, unfortunately MFP doesn't want to allow me to set a specific measurement, it does it as a percentage instead.  I need to remind myself how much I should be having. I worked it out as 1.2 my lean body mass.. which is 51.5kg, so that equates to 61.8g of protein. I went for 1.2 as this is the lower end of the recommendation if you work out regularly.  I have just read again and it says that you can do it by percentage, on review, this may be more useful as it will fluctuate along with my calorie intake that fluctuates depending on workout, I just need to see what my settings are in MFP and work out what percentage gives me a min of 61.8g of protein on my maintenance calories of 1200.

So, to do this (I need this bit to help me get my head around the calculation, so I can then ask Tom how to work it back ;-) )

1200 x .15 = 180 calories required from protein
1g of protein = 4 calories
180/4 = 45 grams per day

So, to work it back

62 * 4 = 248 calories requires
(248/1200)*100 = 20.67% so around 21%  (I couldn't have worked that back without +Tom Burgin as I a dreadful at maths!) Makes up for him being an Indian giver!

I have made my changes in my goals of mfp and I am only a little way behind now.  I have had 63g and it is suggesting 75, so at least I am happy that I have consumed enough for what I want my minimum protein intake to be.  Doing this also ups my fat to just over the recommended min for someone of my age, fitness level etc.  One thing that I have learnt from this fitness quest is the importance of good fats in weight loss and it is an area very often neglected during dieting and it is so important not to do that.

Anyway, I have so much to do and wanted to be in bed by 9.30.  That isn't going to happen at this rate, I still have lunches and smoothies to make as well as packing my bags for tomorrow!! Never ending

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